The Others is a science fiction story set in the present. The characters in the novel soon learn that everything they thought they knew about the human race and planet Earth was wrong. In fact, humans are not even human but rather are aliens in human shells. It's a fast paced story that barely lets up from beginning to end and offers plenty twists and turns. In the end, you might still be asking yourself: "Who are The Others?"
"When I first started writing this book, my intent was to explain all of the world's religions in a single story. I think I have accomplished my goal and I've done it in a way that I hope will surprise you."
Rather than have this novel published in the traditional 'paperback' manner or as an ebook designed for specific readers, it was decided that we would release the novel in PDF form (readable on any computer, ipad or tablet using the free Adobe Reader). It was also decided that the book would be distributed for FREE to anyone who requests a copy. We are asking for donations but you are under no obligation to make a donation if you choose not to. If you would like a copy of the novel "The Others," send me an email ( or with your email address in the body and "I want THE OTHERS" in the subject line of the email. The novel will be released in early to mid October so you can expect an email from me, giving you the download link for the book then.
For a limited time, I am asking for suggestions of names for some of the characters in this book. If you want to get involved and offer a suggestion or two, click the 'names' link at the side of this page.